心理學句子的翻譯 - 翻譯

By Kristin
at 2007-04-15T09:21
at 2007-04-15T09:21
Table of Contents
※ 引述《amberchia (秋天.Rome)》之銘言:
: 英翻中
: 原文 :
: Functionalism had its beginnings in evolutionist thought. It came into its
: own as an anthropological perspective, partly through the influence of
: Durkheim (on the cups of evolutionist-functionalist thinking), but more
: definitively through the writings of Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown. Also
: crucial was the institutional base these latter two and their immediate
: successors created for the discipline worldwide.
: 這兩人建立的制度基礎與他們立即繼任者創造了世界性的學派也是很重要的原因。
: 我覺得我好像理解錯了
: 請各位指教
應該是 那兩個人+他們的繼任者 一起為 世界的學派 創造的
Also crucial/ was / the institutional base/ these latter two and their immediate
successors created for the discipline worldwide.
這是我的斷句 請參考看看吧 我也不太確定
: 英翻中
: 原文 :
: Functionalism had its beginnings in evolutionist thought. It came into its
: own as an anthropological perspective, partly through the influence of
: Durkheim (on the cups of evolutionist-functionalist thinking), but more
: definitively through the writings of Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown. Also
: crucial was the institutional base these latter two and their immediate
: successors created for the discipline worldwide.
: 這兩人建立的制度基礎與他們立即繼任者創造了世界性的學派也是很重要的原因。
: 我覺得我好像理解錯了
: 請各位指教
應該是 那兩個人+他們的繼任者 一起為 世界的學派 創造的
Also crucial/ was / the institutional base/ these latter two and their immediate
successors created for the discipline worldwide.
這是我的斷句 請參考看看吧 我也不太確定
All Comments

By Eartha
at 2007-04-19T19:07
at 2007-04-19T19:07
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