斷背山當中一段文字 - 翻譯

By Elvira
at 2007-09-12T20:07
at 2007-09-12T20:07
Table of Contents
"I guess," said Ennis, slipping his hand up her blouse sleeve and stirring the
silky armpit hair, fingers moving down her ribs to the jelly breast, the
round belly and knee and up into the wet gap all the way to the north pole or
the equator depending which way you thought you were sailing, working at it
until she shuddered and bucked against his hand and he rolled her over, did
quickly what she hated.
north pole or the equator那邊要怎麼翻比較好啊
直譯很奇怪 目前看到的譯本都是直譯的
silky armpit hair, fingers moving down her ribs to the jelly breast, the
round belly and knee and up into the wet gap all the way to the north pole or
the equator depending which way you thought you were sailing, working at it
until she shuddered and bucked against his hand and he rolled her over, did
quickly what she hated.
north pole or the equator那邊要怎麼翻比較好啊
直譯很奇怪 目前看到的譯本都是直譯的
All Comments

By Wallis
at 2007-09-15T20:49
at 2007-09-15T20:49

By Bethany
at 2007-09-19T07:07
at 2007-09-19T07:07
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at 2007-09-12T15:37
at 2007-09-12T15:37
~~~~沒錯 要怎麼翻譯?

By Liam
at 2007-09-11T22:30
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Re: 一小段英翻中

By Annie
at 2007-09-11T19:23
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at 2007-09-11T17:20
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By Audriana
at 2007-09-11T15:42
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