有時候刻意的爛譯是帶有目的的... - 翻譯

By Andy
at 2010-08-17T03:20
at 2010-08-17T03:20
Table of Contents
From the point of view of doctrine, this theory is that of a
petty-bourgeois "socialist" reactionary.
For the idea that capitalism can be "prevented" in China and
that a "social revolution" there will be made easier
by the country's backwardness, and so on, is altogether reactionary.
And Sun Yat-sen himself, with inimitable, one might say virginal, naivete,
smashes his reactionary Narodnik Theory by admitting what reality
forces him to admit, namely that "China is on the eve of
a gigantic industrial [i.e., capitalist] development",
that in China "trade [i.e., capitalism] will develop to an enormous extent",
that "in fifty years we shall have many Shanghais", i.e., huge centres
of capitalist wealth and proletarian need and poverty.
All Comments

By Emma
at 2010-08-17T21:03
at 2010-08-17T21:03

By Daph Bay
at 2010-08-21T13:39
at 2010-08-21T13:39
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