歌詞英_中 - 翻譯

By Hamiltion
at 2010-09-23T23:06
at 2010-09-23T23:06
Table of Contents
我自己照文義脈絡翻中。 但並不確定我是不是完全理解正確,尤其是副歌部分,
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Wartime Prayers (2006 `Surprise')
Music & Lyrics by Paul F. Simon
中譯: jurian0101
Prayers offered in times of peace 平靖時日獻出的祈禱
are silent conversations, 總是,寂然無聲的交流。
Appeals for love or love's release 祈求愛,或愛的結束
In private invocations 以隱秘的祝願。
But all that is changed now, 但一切不復從前。
Gone like a memory from the 像戰火來襲以前的記憶
day before the fires. 一樣一去難返。
People hungry for the voice of God 渴求聖恩神籲的人們,
Hear lunatics and liars 卻向狂人與騙徒傾聽。
Wartime prayers, wartime prayers 戰時祈禱,戰時的祈禱
In every language spoken, 以每種語言訴說、
For every family scattered and broken. 為每個失散破碎的家庭禱告。
Because you cannot walk with the holy, 因你不能與聖徒們並行,
If you're just a halfway decent man. 你只是個不完美的正直人。
I don't pretend that I'm a mastermind 而我不想假裝我是
With a genius marketing plan. 有著高明解決方案的謀略者。
I'm trying to tap into some wisdom, 我只想替智慧再增加一點火花,
Even a little drop will do. 即使再微小也有助:
I want to rid my heart of envy 我只想趕走心裡的嫉妒、
And cleanse my soul of rage 清空我靈魂之中的暴怒
Before I'm through. 直到我大澈大悟。
Times are hard, it's a hard time 時值艱困,正難度過的時間。
But everybody knows all about harder times.但人人都知道,更糟的還未到來。
The thing is, what are you gonna do? 實情是,你又奈他何。
Well, you cry and try to muscle through 只能掛著淚水,掙扎度過,
Try to rearrange your stuff 再試著重起爐灶。
But when the wounds are deep enough, 但若是創痕割的太痛太深,
It's all that we can bear, 我們能忍受的不過如此,
We wrap ourselves in prayer. 只好以禱告自我保護。
Because you cannot walk with the holy, 因你不能與聖徒們並行,
If you're just a halfway decent man. 你只是個不完美的正直人。
I don't pretend that I'm a mastermind 而我不想假裝我是
With a genius marketing plan. 有著高明解決方案的謀略者。
I'm trying to tap into some wisdom, 我只想替智慧再增加一點火花,
Even a little drop will do. 即使再微小也有助:
I want to rid my heart of envy 我只想趕走心裡的嫉妒、
And cleanse my soul of rage 清空我靈魂之中的暴怒
Before I'm through. 直到我大澈大悟
A mother murmurs in twilight sleep 母親在朦朧的夢中呢喃,
And draws her babies closer. 把孩子攜近身旁。
With hush-a-byes for sleepy eyes, 輕聲哄著惺忪的眼睛入夢,
And kisses on the shoulder. 又輕吻了他的肩頭。
To drive away despair 為了趕走絕望,
She says a wartime prayer. 她念著戰時的祈禱。
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)1. Because you cannot walk with the holy, if you're just a halfway decent man.
^^^^^^^ ^^ * * * * * * * * *
而且棘手的 Because...if 耿耿於懷,這搭配是怎麼回事?而且與文義理解也有關係。
)2. I don't pretend that I'm a mastermind with a genius marketing plan.
地在自婊,是因為早期作品 Sound of Silence 當中有句歌詞 `Hear my words that I
might teach you, Take my arms that I might reach (out to) you. ' 似乎對聽者
暗示著詩人掌握著答案,但現在如果你問他,他只想跟你說答案他也莫宰羊 ^_^ 就醬
)3. Before I'm through
)4. twilight sleep
原來twilight sleep有朦朦朧朧的睡眠的義思,而不是我原本翻的「熹微晨光裡的淺睡」
- - - 心得 - - -
All Comments

By Hazel
at 2010-09-25T23:33
at 2010-09-25T23:33

By Dorothy
at 2010-09-26T21:47
at 2010-09-26T21:47

By Kristin
at 2010-09-30T23:47
at 2010-09-30T23:47

By Olga
at 2010-10-01T02:51
at 2010-10-01T02:51

By Donna
at 2010-10-02T13:17
at 2010-10-02T13:17

By Frederica
at 2010-10-03T11:33
at 2010-10-03T11:33

By Poppy
at 2010-10-07T12:34
at 2010-10-07T12:34

By Callum
at 2010-10-11T07:01
at 2010-10-11T07:01

By John
at 2010-10-11T23:16
at 2010-10-11T23:16

By Joe
at 2010-10-15T00:21
at 2010-10-15T00:21

By Frederic
at 2010-10-18T04:58
at 2010-10-18T04:58

By Genevieve
at 2010-10-22T03:06
at 2010-10-22T03:06

By Hamiltion
at 2010-10-25T02:57
at 2010-10-25T02:57
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