[翻譯] went well above and beyond the call … - 翻譯

By Jacob
at 2005-06-04T11:46
at 2005-06-04T11:46
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※ [本文轉錄自 Eng-Class 看板]
作者: Proet (王牌鋼彈駕駛員) 看板: Eng-Class
標題: [翻譯] went well above and beyond the call of duty??
時間: Sat Jun 4 10:40:22 2005
"The family believes that my grandfather, Mark Felt Senior,
is a great American hero [who went well above and beyond the
call of duty] at much risk to himself to save his country from a horrible
injustice. We all sincerely hope the country will see him this way as well,"
said Mr. Jones.
打[]的這句看不懂 麻煩高手指教 謝謝
"I always say that Mark Felt is the leading contender because he was [kind
of the number two guy at the FBI] and if you look carefully at the kinds of
things that Deep Throat was telling (Washington Post reporter Bob) Woodward,
[they were things that the average bear does not know but FBI guys do about
laundering money and that type of thing."]
作者: Proet (王牌鋼彈駕駛員) 看板: Eng-Class
標題: [翻譯] went well above and beyond the call of duty??
時間: Sat Jun 4 10:40:22 2005
"The family believes that my grandfather, Mark Felt Senior,
is a great American hero [who went well above and beyond the
call of duty] at much risk to himself to save his country from a horrible
injustice. We all sincerely hope the country will see him this way as well,"
said Mr. Jones.
打[]的這句看不懂 麻煩高手指教 謝謝
"I always say that Mark Felt is the leading contender because he was [kind
of the number two guy at the FBI] and if you look carefully at the kinds of
things that Deep Throat was telling (Washington Post reporter Bob) Woodward,
[they were things that the average bear does not know but FBI guys do about
laundering money and that type of thing."]
All Comments

By Elizabeth
at 2005-06-07T01:14
at 2005-06-07T01:14
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