"藝術家們必須..." - 翻譯

By Olga
at 2009-06-17T18:55
at 2009-06-17T18:55
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※ 引述《hw2008 (五嶽倒為輕)》之銘言:
: 大家好,蔣勳老師寫說過這樣一句話:
: 藝術家們必須從技術的部份提升到「美」的層次,如果沒有做到,通常就被認為是「匠」
: 。什麼是匠?就是擁有技術的人被技術綁住了,無法真正超越,達到心靈的境界。
: 我很喜歡這句話
: 很想分享給我的外國朋友,可是總覺得自己用英文翻得不夠漂亮
: 這是我自己的翻譯:
: Artists must manage to lift up their techniques to the field of beauty. If
: they failed, they would often be referred to as "craftsmen," who are limited
: by the their techniques and cannot reach the beauty of mind.
: 其中的層次、境界,我覺得自己好像沒有翻出來
: 而「匠」這個字,在這裡我用craftsman,不曉得有沒有傳達到原文想表達的意思?
: 希望眾板友能指點我一下,或者提供其他更好的寫法,感激不盡!
A craftsman will become a true artist only when their abilities are
refined to the level where aesthetic merits can be recognized, which when not
achieved, a craftsman will only remain one, being unable to create beyond
craftsmanship to communicate with the mind.
: 大家好,蔣勳老師寫說過這樣一句話:
: 藝術家們必須從技術的部份提升到「美」的層次,如果沒有做到,通常就被認為是「匠」
: 。什麼是匠?就是擁有技術的人被技術綁住了,無法真正超越,達到心靈的境界。
: 我很喜歡這句話
: 很想分享給我的外國朋友,可是總覺得自己用英文翻得不夠漂亮
: 這是我自己的翻譯:
: Artists must manage to lift up their techniques to the field of beauty. If
: they failed, they would often be referred to as "craftsmen," who are limited
: by the their techniques and cannot reach the beauty of mind.
: 其中的層次、境界,我覺得自己好像沒有翻出來
: 而「匠」這個字,在這裡我用craftsman,不曉得有沒有傳達到原文想表達的意思?
: 希望眾板友能指點我一下,或者提供其他更好的寫法,感激不盡!
A craftsman will become a true artist only when their abilities are
refined to the level where aesthetic merits can be recognized, which when not
achieved, a craftsman will only remain one, being unable to create beyond
craftsmanship to communicate with the mind.
All Comments

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at 2009-06-19T15:21
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at 2009-06-20T06:39
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By Necoo
at 2009-06-21T17:53
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By Rebecca
at 2009-06-26T07:53
at 2009-06-26T07:53

By Ida
at 2009-06-30T21:59
at 2009-06-30T21:59

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