請問二段翻譯 - 翻譯

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2007-06-02T10:47

Table of Contents

請問一下板友們,這二段中翻英是否合宜?不曉得我翻的英文會不會怪怪的 = =


In the age of knowledge-Based Economy, instead of land and capital,
human resources became the most important asset in enterprises.
At the same time, enterprises put a lot of their focus on quality of services.
These factors have become a new trend that forms a new challenge to
enterprises: How should the emotions of an individual in the workforce of
an enterprise be controlled as they arise in the job? Since the year 1980,
there were many studies on emotional labor which suggested solutions to this

In the recent years, the advent and growth of service industry economy,
emotional labor has being changed to be a service sector of the organizations.
The quality of service labor plays a very important role for promoting
the enterprise core competence.
Therefore, the primary service personnel turn to be the key role in
delivering a variety of services to their customers, and they may create
the emotional value while they have to exhibit particular affective displays,
so-called emotional labor.

Tags: 翻譯

All Comments

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2007-06-05T09:37

翻譯小問題-Beware of moving trains

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2007-06-01T00:19
other interesting signs: http://0rz.tw/a32Hs 這不是吹的... disclaimers amuse me just as much as signs. my windshield shade says: and#34;remove before drivingand#34;. ※ 引述《SinoHuang (� ...

翻譯小問題-Beware of moving trains

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2007-05-31T19:45
這位仁兄用的是很科學的量化方法 對非native speaker是相當受用的 以語言哲學來說 的確也是條目多的and#34;較可能and#34;會對 不過在這邊我提供另外一個觀 ...

翻譯小問題-Beware of moving trains

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2007-05-31T02:48
※ 引述《swhmswhm (loveswhm)》之銘言: : 請問大家,這是我在路上看到的標示: : and#34;危險小心火車 Beware of moving trainsand#34; : 為何英文翻譯要特地多加一個 ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2007-05-31T02:11
小弟是個新手 去年中才開始兼職當翻譯 都跟翻譯社接 主要是做中翻英的 沒有特定領域...什麼都接 最近才發現原來ptt有翻譯版 一上來卻讓我頗為困惑 ...

傳播/藝術/社會/心理 英翻中

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2007-05-30T16:58
*ID: vagus *聯絡方式: 站內信為主, 成交後可以email連絡 語言 暨 翻譯方向: 英翻中 中翻英(大眾傳播類) 半職或自由譯者: 筆譯, 字幕(沒試過 ...