請賜教 - 翻譯

By David
at 2007-08-27T14:39
at 2007-08-27T14:39
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※ 引述《bahnhof (火車站)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《bahnhof (火車站)》之銘言:
(呵..推文時不知道已經有推文了 斷的亂七八糟 sorry ...整理一下推文...)
: :前一個段落在說,一些保守的組織,認為家庭就一定要由已婚夫婦及他們的子
: :女所組成。
: :再來就是有問題的這一段了:
: : Meanwhile, the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, a gay rights
: : organization, argues that neither side, grandparents and parents,
: : sufficiently protects children being reared in nontraditional families,
: : affirming the primary importance of "the quality and security of the
: : relationship between individual children and adults rather than blood
: : ties or lables."
: : 整句的意思大致是說同志人權組織浪達法律辯護與教育基金會認為兒童與成人的
: : 關係,品質比血緣更重要。
: : 不過中間那個子句,"祖父母跟父母都不足以保護兒童在非傳統家庭撫養長大",
: : 這什麼鬼啊?不懂他的意思。有沒有高手可以解釋一下呢?
推 egghead:
aka not becausa children is raised by a family of one man and one woman, nor
just because they might instead be raised by grandparents that have blood
relationships, can really ensure the children can be raised well in "non-
traditional familes=a mom and a dad
sorry, traditional family = one mom and one dad is not how many dads or moms
or blood linked caregiver there are but rather the "quality of relationships"
that provide "secureness", which they argue gay couples do just as well as a
couple of man and woman
推 toofat:
猜一下...小孩的父母或祖父母離婚(後文修正) 任一方獨自扶養孩子 就是non-
traditional family 主旨應該是說 如果爸爸和爸爸的男友如果能和小孩有高品質及穩
健的關係(或是一對沒血緣養父) 則小孩也能如同傳統家庭(有爸爸媽嗎)般健全成長...
: 感謝版主及toofat大的解惑。
: 本段主要就是說,血緣關係的家庭,未必就比領養家庭好。可是子句那一句
: "neither side, grandparents and parents, sufficiently protects children
: being reared in nontraditional families"
: 應該要把 nontraditional 改成 traditional 才會變成我們認知的這個意思吧?
: 是作者的typo,還是我還誤會什麼?再次感謝囉!
推 toofat:
父母離婚的小孩 可能由單親(父、母)或是祖父母扶養長大...
這樣非傳統家庭的任一方 都無法充分保護小孩子長大成人...
哈 所以 祖父母沒有離婚...sorry ^^a
: ※ 引述《bahnhof (火車站)》之銘言:
(呵..推文時不知道已經有推文了 斷的亂七八糟 sorry ...整理一下推文...)
: :前一個段落在說,一些保守的組織,認為家庭就一定要由已婚夫婦及他們的子
: :女所組成。
: :再來就是有問題的這一段了:
: : Meanwhile, the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, a gay rights
: : organization, argues that neither side, grandparents and parents,
: : sufficiently protects children being reared in nontraditional families,
: : affirming the primary importance of "the quality and security of the
: : relationship between individual children and adults rather than blood
: : ties or lables."
: : 整句的意思大致是說同志人權組織浪達法律辯護與教育基金會認為兒童與成人的
: : 關係,品質比血緣更重要。
: : 不過中間那個子句,"祖父母跟父母都不足以保護兒童在非傳統家庭撫養長大",
: : 這什麼鬼啊?不懂他的意思。有沒有高手可以解釋一下呢?
推 egghead:
aka not becausa children is raised by a family of one man and one woman, nor
just because they might instead be raised by grandparents that have blood
relationships, can really ensure the children can be raised well in "non-
traditional familes=a mom and a dad
sorry, traditional family = one mom and one dad is not how many dads or moms
or blood linked caregiver there are but rather the "quality of relationships"
that provide "secureness", which they argue gay couples do just as well as a
couple of man and woman
推 toofat:
猜一下...小孩的父母或祖父母離婚(後文修正) 任一方獨自扶養孩子 就是non-
traditional family 主旨應該是說 如果爸爸和爸爸的男友如果能和小孩有高品質及穩
健的關係(或是一對沒血緣養父) 則小孩也能如同傳統家庭(有爸爸媽嗎)般健全成長...
: 感謝版主及toofat大的解惑。
: 本段主要就是說,血緣關係的家庭,未必就比領養家庭好。可是子句那一句
: "neither side, grandparents and parents, sufficiently protects children
: being reared in nontraditional families"
: 應該要把 nontraditional 改成 traditional 才會變成我們認知的這個意思吧?
: 是作者的typo,還是我還誤會什麼?再次感謝囉!
推 toofat:
父母離婚的小孩 可能由單親(父、母)或是祖父母扶養長大...
這樣非傳統家庭的任一方 都無法充分保護小孩子長大成人...
哈 所以 祖父母沒有離婚...sorry ^^a
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