馬英九同玩節致詞影片(英日文字幕版) - 翻譯

By Ophelia
at 2006-10-10T23:44
at 2006-10-10T23:44
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※ [本文轉錄自 lesbian 看板]
作者: honkwun (反皮草 拒絕血腥時尚) 看板: lesbian
標題: 馬英九同玩節致詞影片(英日文字幕版)
時間: Tue Oct 10 13:27:46 2006
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fEeHBpOnpk (日文字幕版)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJpD6gd2Jrg (英文字幕版)
做這個是因為 在東亞似乎沒有比較大咖的政治人物會參與同志活動
像日本 我覺得他們每年同志遊行的迴響都很少
媒體少 他們同志朋友之間也很少
所以想做這個影片 跟他們分享一下 特別是馬英九在那裡還有點知名度
我給兩個日本朋友看過 他們看了都還蠻高興的
如果你覺得你有外國同志朋友會想看 不妨給他們參考
做得沒有很好 但我盡力了orz 也感謝其他朋友的幫忙
因為BBS貼日文有的字會亂碼 所以如果你需要日文翻譯全文(英文全文如下)
可以私下再跟我要 轉貼時可以附上 以避免字幕不夠清楚的問題
As for Taipei, this big city must have its tolerance and prospect, which is
necessary in an international city.
“Homosexuality” is a natural phonomanon.
It can’t be restrained as well as extended with force.
It is an existence for real.
Therefore, we keep such an attitude toward every kind of sexual trends, and
this is one part of human rights.
This is one part of multi-culture.
Is that right? (Crowds: Yeah!)
We keep this attitude toward homosexual movement.
Maybe some of you doubt that the budget decreases from the original 1
million. (Smile)
That’s because the spending for executives got curtailed.
Now, the entire budget, take 2006’s for example, is less than 1996’s.
That is, there must be some adjustment for executive expenses, and there’s
none could be excepted.
However, we still pay our great effort to support this movement, and this is
absolutely true.
We are not to butter up.
We just try to make this city have its own shape.
I went to Berlin in August two years ago and met Klaus Wowereit, the mayor,
then I knew he’s a member of homosexuality.
Each year, Berlin is the biggest place holding global homosexual parade with
millions of people.
Originally, I couldn’t see Klaus for China’s pressure.
I never thought that we could stand beside other and talked for 10 minutes
because of this.
Thanks everyone. (Crowds acclaiming)
And last year in March, oh no, that’s this March, when I went to San
I met Gavin Newsom, the mayor of San Francisco, who is a charming man.
As everyone knows, he’s not queer himself,
but like us, he supports homosexual movement with heart content.
Because San Francisco is also one of the most important city for
homosexuality in the world.
The past chairman there is gay as well.
And on that day, we talked about two things, (raising hands and posing “2
One is homosexual movement, the other is wireless broadband network.
These are two projects that the two sister cities have worked on.
He was pretty surprised to discover that on the other side of Pacific, in
Taipei, there is homosexual
movement not less than which in San Francisco.
These sister cities have found another common place.
And this is very important when promoting interaction between cities.
Thus, I hope this city to be a city of variety and tolerance.
Yes, kinds, every kind, from persons to animals,
we should treat them with respect and tolerance.
Take animals for example, since I was a mayor, I treated stray dogs with such
and I myself have adopted a stray dog here in this place.
And now he’s seven.
When dogs grow up, they turn out to bully against people. (smile)
A man’s status gets lower through dog’s eyes.
No matter what, I don’t regret.
Basically, we hope this city to be filled with love and peace.
It happens to the two day parade, love, peace and tolerance.
So we hope, with such idea, to make this city not only getting bigger but
also greater.
Hope you’ll have an enjoyable festival, thank you. (Bow)
Translated by: Kaiza Liang
作者: honkwun (反皮草 拒絕血腥時尚) 看板: lesbian
標題: 馬英九同玩節致詞影片(英日文字幕版)
時間: Tue Oct 10 13:27:46 2006
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fEeHBpOnpk (日文字幕版)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJpD6gd2Jrg (英文字幕版)
做這個是因為 在東亞似乎沒有比較大咖的政治人物會參與同志活動
像日本 我覺得他們每年同志遊行的迴響都很少
媒體少 他們同志朋友之間也很少
所以想做這個影片 跟他們分享一下 特別是馬英九在那裡還有點知名度
我給兩個日本朋友看過 他們看了都還蠻高興的
如果你覺得你有外國同志朋友會想看 不妨給他們參考
做得沒有很好 但我盡力了orz 也感謝其他朋友的幫忙
因為BBS貼日文有的字會亂碼 所以如果你需要日文翻譯全文(英文全文如下)
可以私下再跟我要 轉貼時可以附上 以避免字幕不夠清楚的問題
As for Taipei, this big city must have its tolerance and prospect, which is
necessary in an international city.
“Homosexuality” is a natural phonomanon.
It can’t be restrained as well as extended with force.
It is an existence for real.
Therefore, we keep such an attitude toward every kind of sexual trends, and
this is one part of human rights.
This is one part of multi-culture.
Is that right? (Crowds: Yeah!)
We keep this attitude toward homosexual movement.
Maybe some of you doubt that the budget decreases from the original 1
million. (Smile)
That’s because the spending for executives got curtailed.
Now, the entire budget, take 2006’s for example, is less than 1996’s.
That is, there must be some adjustment for executive expenses, and there’s
none could be excepted.
However, we still pay our great effort to support this movement, and this is
absolutely true.
We are not to butter up.
We just try to make this city have its own shape.
I went to Berlin in August two years ago and met Klaus Wowereit, the mayor,
then I knew he’s a member of homosexuality.
Each year, Berlin is the biggest place holding global homosexual parade with
millions of people.
Originally, I couldn’t see Klaus for China’s pressure.
I never thought that we could stand beside other and talked for 10 minutes
because of this.
Thanks everyone. (Crowds acclaiming)
And last year in March, oh no, that’s this March, when I went to San
I met Gavin Newsom, the mayor of San Francisco, who is a charming man.
As everyone knows, he’s not queer himself,
but like us, he supports homosexual movement with heart content.
Because San Francisco is also one of the most important city for
homosexuality in the world.
The past chairman there is gay as well.
And on that day, we talked about two things, (raising hands and posing “2
One is homosexual movement, the other is wireless broadband network.
These are two projects that the two sister cities have worked on.
He was pretty surprised to discover that on the other side of Pacific, in
Taipei, there is homosexual
movement not less than which in San Francisco.
These sister cities have found another common place.
And this is very important when promoting interaction between cities.
Thus, I hope this city to be a city of variety and tolerance.
Yes, kinds, every kind, from persons to animals,
we should treat them with respect and tolerance.
Take animals for example, since I was a mayor, I treated stray dogs with such
and I myself have adopted a stray dog here in this place.
And now he’s seven.
When dogs grow up, they turn out to bully against people. (smile)
A man’s status gets lower through dog’s eyes.
No matter what, I don’t regret.
Basically, we hope this city to be filled with love and peace.
It happens to the two day parade, love, peace and tolerance.
So we hope, with such idea, to make this city not only getting bigger but
also greater.
Hope you’ll have an enjoyable festival, thank you. (Bow)
Translated by: Kaiza Liang
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